nez (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: making a Point... |
Jesus walked along one day with his diciples....and saw fig trees. Interesting story. and as Jesus looked suspiciously at this fig tree, and said to his diciples. "does that fig tree have any figs?" Do you think thats an important question? Im telling you for a fig tree, thats all the important question. ....does it have any figs? His diciple said to Jesus said..." ...No Jesus for all the tree you picked, this particular fig tree don't have any figs..( the story said that Jesus had lost his cool) [one of the few times Jesus has lost his cool] "WHY?!" i think--- to make a POINT! A fig tree without figs?! It is unacceptable. Jesus swiftly said....: I suggest that, if that fig tree don't have any figs. I suggest you promptly take it OUT!" and He added, "...why let it take up the ground?" So you have to get all your folks together every once awhile and say "TODAY WE'RE COUNTING THE FIGS, [what for?] To see who gets to stay. [why?] It's the name of the game. ---Jim Rohn--